
Nestuge Email Automation Feature and its Benefits

NeSTAR Spotlight

Sep 5, 2024


Ruth Okoli

Ruth Okoli

Head of Growth, Marketing

We spoke to one of our users about the Nestuge Email Automation Feature, here is what she has to say about its benefit to her course and her process.

Interviewer: Hi, can you please introduce yourself?

Dr Sapphire: Hello, I am Dr. Sapphire, a practicing medical Doctor and an Email marketer. I teach people how to utilize email marketing and I am on a mission to train 5000 people in Africa and beyond on how to become professional email list managers.

Interviewer:  What do you currently use Nestuge for?

Dr Sapphire: I presently use Nestuge for selling courses and I am now exploring the affiliate marketing session of Nestuge seeing it is well arranged and easy to utilize.

Interviewer:  How has your experience been with our email automation for your courses and how has it improved your business/process? (You can also mention any other feature you use).

Dr Sapphire: One of the reasons I set up my course on Nestuge was the fact that it has the email automation that allowed me to drip my courses, it also has the google integration because I am a big google workspace girl. That’s what I use for a lot of my behind-the-scenes processes and systems, so Nestuge easily integrate it. It also adds people to my google contact, shares my google drive files with them automatically, manage them and also add them to my community. This workflow is precious to me.

So, for instance I have a 5-day challenge, it will remind the users today, 24hrs before the event while sharing with them the necessary documents and resources required for the event, at the same time. It also adds them to the Google Contact (all these runs behind the scenes) while I focus on the best content for my event which saves me a lot of time and help me on-board people to my course with ease.

So, aside dripping the course with the email automation, you can also add in-buttons that directly take people to the resources immediately after subscription, for instance, I have a 5-day email marketing challenge, I can set different access buttons leading to different resources for different days for the 5days. I also have my automation set up to also help me collate feedback and up sale my other paid programs to my current students. So, these are the things I love about Nestuge, the ease, seamlessness and time saving.

Interviewer:  Wow!!! That was a very wholesome review. We are glad you Nestuge is helping you save time and also increase your productivity. What would you say is your favorite thing about Nestuge now?

Dr Sapphire: So, my favorite thing about Nestuge now has to be the integration with Google. I have looked into the next 2 years and can’t see myself without Google workspace and Nestuge add event to the calendar of my students, add my students to my google contact, such that I can add them to my list, share resources and manage the membership. I really love the community integration such that I can add people to my Telegram, WhatsApp group without thinking about how to share the link or leaking the link at inappropriate time. It also gives that privacy to your resource while still giving the clients access to them.

You can also set up the access for a limited time, I also love how it manage the subscription of members. Finally, the best part about Nestuge is the Time it saves while you focus on your program.

Interviewer: On a scale of 1 to 10, How will you rate Nestuge?

Dr Sapphire: I am rating Nestuge 8/10.

This is because there is always room for improvement and one of the things I would like to see is on Integration. If I can integrate contacts from Nestuge to my email lists (I know there is SendGrid) that would be good for me. Also, the forms cant set questions to be “optional” or “required”, also, we can work on the UI especially the way the data is represented for instance , I can’t see how far somebody has gone (course completion rate), or metrics showing email data, number of people that have received it and those that have opened it, same with the automation, showing the number of people that have received the email and those yet to receive it. These data and numbers will help improve the site.

These analytics will be good and also possibility of people leaving a review to show on the course, such that I can import & export those reviews and use for other things.

Interviewer: Thank you so much Dr Sapphire for your time and the amazing feedback. We are currently working on the analytics feature you recommended. Hopefully, they will be available soon.

Dr Sapphire: That will be awesome. Thank you

Interviewer: You're welcome.

Be like Dr Sapphire, save time by signing up today! Here is also a video on how to use the Email Automation. If you have any question please reach out to us via

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