Apr 23, 2024
Ruth Okoli
Head of Growth, Marketing
To help you keep track of the money in your Nestuge wallet and stay above depreciation of some local currencies, we are converting all currencies in Nestuge wallets to the US dollars.
What does this mean?
If you currently choose to receive payments in your Nestuge wallet instead of directly into your bank account, your money will not be stored in your local currency but will be converted to US dollars.
Please note that we still continue to support all the currencies we have been supporting. Your subscribers can still complete all transactions in your local currencies and you can still withdraw funds into your bank account in your local currencies. The only thing that is changing is how we store your money in your wallet.
How do I switch to the Dollar Wallet?
If you want this feature activated, ensure that you go to your brand setting, then click on Payment and select "Wallet" under settlement type. If you don't want this feature, please select "Bank Account".
If you have any question concerning this feature, please feel free to send a mail to us at hello@nestuge.com.
Sign in to your dashboard app.nestuge.com to get started!
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